What is the best treatment for piles?

Treatment for piles

If you observe bright red blood during your visits to the toilet, it could be a warning sign of piles or may have another underlying medical condition. Do not ever try to have over-the-counter medicines on your own. You should consider visiting your physician as soon as you find your symptoms are not relieving for more than a week. In today’s section, we want you to be aware of the diagnosis and the possible treatment options for piles.

How to diagnose hemorrhoids?

When you visit your physician, he will ask about your symptoms and when you are noticing them. He will ask about any other underlying medical conditions. Depending on your symptoms, various examinations might be done.

Your doctor will examine your anus to see whether it is inflamed, and whether enlarged hemorrhoids come out of it when you push, or whether they are already outside.

Moving ahead, you must read the causes and symptoms of piles

In a digital rectal examination, the doctor will gently insert a finger into the anus, with gloves and a little lubricant. The doctor feels the inside of the anal canal using circular movements.

This allows him or her to examine the sphincter muscles and the texture of the membranes lining the anus. Doctors typically first feel for anything unusual. However, Grade 1 hemorrhoids generally can’t be felt in this way.

If the doctor thinks you have enlarged hemorrhoids, a proctoscopy is normally carried out next. Here the membranes lining the rectum are examined using a short tube with a light and lens on it, known as a proctoscope.

This will allow a doctor to see whether there are enlarged hemorrhoids, and how big they are. The procedure takes a few minutes and is usually not painful. The rectum needs to be emptied before the procedure is carried out. This can be done using a laxative, suppository, or enema.

If there’s blood in your stool, the doctor may also suggest a colonoscopy. The procedure is painless or may hurt little.

Treatment for Piles

Depending on the size and the severity of symptoms, various treatment options are available for piles. Getting rid of piles as quickly as possible will help you continue with your routine life (1).

It’s a good idea to seek medical advice if the symptoms are unpleasant and distressing. You could contact your family doctor. Things you could discuss with a doctor include whether surgery might help, and what other options.

Laser treatment

Laser energy is used for the coagulation of Hemorrhoidal tissue. It is a non-invasive, painless, and cost-effective method and possesses fewer chances of recurrence. Laser treatment for piles is one of the most preferable treatment options for piles.

In laser treatment for piles, there is no bleeding involved and it is easier to recover quickly. The procedure is non-invasive and does require minimum medication. The surgery involves little to no pain.

Injection sclerotherapy

Injections are used to treat the piles. It might be considered for the treatment of grade 1 and grade 2 hemorrhoids. Sclerotherapy involves injecting a chemical solution to reduce the blood supply to the hemorrhoids resulting in a scarring reaction which makes hemorrhoids gradually shrink or shrivel up over time.

You may experience minor cramping, stinging, or burning in the injected vein during sclerotherapy. Sometimes, the procedure can also be painful.

Infrared coagulation/photocoagulation

An electric probe, a laser beam, or IR light have been used to treat prolapsed or internal hemorrhoids. It is an effective treatment where the doctor uses a device that creates an intense beam of infrared light.


Internal hemorrhoids or complicated external hemorrhoids treated with Haemorrhoidectomy. Its success rate is about 95%.

A hemorrhoidectomy procedure can be painful. During the bowel movement in the week following surgery, or during straining or pushing can make the pain significantly worse, however, pain can be controlled with the help of medication.

Stapled haemorrhoidopexy

The circular section of haemorrhoidal mass is made with the help of a Stapling gun. It is more effective and is faster than traditional hemorrhoidectomy procedures, taking approximately 30 minutes.

It is also associated with much less pain than traditional hemorrhoidectomy and patients usually return earlier to work.

Haemorrhoidal artery ligation

It is used to treat grade 2 and 3 hemorrhoids. In this method, the rubber band is placed above the dentine line which blocks the blood supply. In rubber band ligation, the hemorrhoids are tied off at the base, making them fall off after a while.

Pre and post-surgery instructions

If someone has grade 3 or grade 4 hemorrhoids, it might be necessary to surgically remove them. There are certain pre and post-surgery Instructions to be followed;

  • Have your stool before surgery.
  • Do not eat anything after midnight or before 4 hours to surgery.
  • In the case of a diabetic patient avoid the use of oral medications or insulin on the day of surgery. Wear comfortable clothes.
  • Take the help of a person to take care of you on the day of surgery.
  • Do not rub or remove the dressing from the wound and keep ice bags for 4-6 hours.
  • You can take bath after the surgery.


Laser treatment for Piles at LOTUS hospital

Patient Hospital Stay: Laser Treatment – 24 Hours / Surgical Procedure 1 to 2 Days
Pain (Post-Operative): Laser Treatment – Low / Surgical Procedure – High
Recovery Time: Laser Treatment – 3 Days / Surgical Procedure – 3 to 7 Days
Recurrence: Laser Treatment – Low / Surgical Procedure – Low
Complications: Laser Treatment – Low / Surgical Procedure – Low

Lotus Hospital, Nagpur provides the best Piles surgery and treatment in Nagpur with utmost care. With a commitment to quality, a dedicated team of professionals, technological excellence at an affordable cost our organization has emerged to be the most reliable center for General, Laparoscopic, and Minimal Invasive Surgeries, Medicine, Gynecology, Obstetrics, Onco-Surgeries.

Dr. Kanhaiya Chandak is one of the best surgeons for piles treatment in Nagpur, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Chattisgarh. He has performed more than 4000 surgeries successfully at Lotus Hospital since Inception.